Mar 10, 2011


I’m writing this while I wait for the electricity to come back on. No electricity today means I can’t reheat the coffee that’s now gone cold, no printing off materials I need to prepare for a discipleship meeting tomorrow, no going online to check emails, no looking up recipes to see what healthy ingredients I need to buy at the store, and most devastatingly, no access to my straightener (ok, that’s a little dramatic but I still feel like piling it on the list).

It’s frustrating how the smallest of inconveniences can send me over the edge in moments when I’m already vulnerable. I’ll be honest, while the last couple of weeks have been filled with blessings and joy, my general disposition has been stressed.

An evangelism tool we use, Soularium, has a picture of a man with a bunch of post-it notes on his forehead…these days I most closely can identify with him. Our return from a midyear retreat with Campus Crusade staff and my teammates has given me lots to think about and action steps to improve where we are at. We are also about to receive 60 students and staff from CCC in the States next week and have been working very hard to make sure their time here is fruitful, enjoyable, and safe. I’ve got friends back home that I haven’t spoken to in a while. The list goes on, but all that to say that this is definitely a Philippians 4:6-7 moment:

Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will be filled with His peace with passes all understanding. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

The electricity is off, and I want to sit and pout. But His Spirit within me is greater than my feelings, and His peace urges me to rest in His provision for my needs and to be thankful for what He has already done.

Just want to share that with you so that you know I’m not always a peppy missionary girl and sometimes the little things make me lose my sight. Thanks for letting me be real :)

1 comment:

  1. I really want to copy and paste this into my blog; except for the whole hair-straightener thing..


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