Apr 27, 2010

Where Have I Been? Where am I Going???

It's been a while since I've posted here, but it's about time for an update! List of exciting things to come in the near future:

Within the next...

1 Week: Finish student teaching!!!
2 Weeks: Graduating from ASU!
3 Weeks: Going to Maui with Lindsay and staying (for FREE)with Bobby and Sarah!
5 Weeks: Europe with my Daddy!
2 Months: Raising support for...
3 Months: Dominican Republic!
The most recent and significant news is that I am officially going to spend a year (August to August) in the Dominican Republic as an intern with Campus Crusade for Christ. While I'm not basking in the Caribbean sun (and humidity), I'll be at Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo, reaching students for Christ! I'll be a part of the very first team to spend a year there and can't wait to share with the students the unending treasures available to them in Christ. The best part is that I won't be alone. I am being sent with a team of others who God has also laid this passion to serve on their hearts. The even more exciting part is that I get to bring part of my ASU family with me...Rob, whom I've been doing ministry with for the last year and a half has also been called to go! Lots of things to look forward to; lots of things to be trusting God with.
For God has not given me a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power and love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:3

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