Mar 22, 2011

Cultures Collide

Story #2 from Spring Break beautifully illustrates how awesome it is when people from different languages and cultures come together.

Two students from Oklahoma were talking to a Dominican student about her spiritual background. With the Spanish they knew, they listened to her share about her life and things that were missing from it. They showed her the following image from the Knowing God Personally booklet to try to understand her better:

The girl told them that she felt she was currently living the Self-Directed Life, but wasn’t satisfied living that way and that she wanted to live a Christ-Directed Life, but didn’t know how. Our American friends were thrilled that she had this heart to submit to God, but couldn’t communicate some key words that would help her down this path. Divinely, Pedro, one of our students from Vida Estudiantil walked by where they were having the conversation and they asked him to come help them talk with this girl. Pedro was able to translate for them and share his own words of encouragement to this seeking girl. Towards the end of the conversation, she learned that she was missing Christ in her life and that this would help her get on a path that was guided and protected by him. Because of the collaboration of these students and God’s amazing grace and compassion for this girl, she received Christ through prayer that day and began to follow him!andrew1

More stories to come! Keep checking each day this week to find out more about what God did through the lives of these 60 students at UASD!


  1. It's Wednesday; i'm waiting for another story please!!!

  2. WOW ... we serve an awesome God who is faithful ... He is glorious ... He works through His kids in precious ways! Thanks for sharing ... : )


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