Sep 21, 2010

Knowing God Personally

So we have a nickname for the pamphlets we use to share the gospel with people in the United States. An updated version of the Four Spiritual Laws, we’ve abbreviated Knowing God Personally to KGP. In Campus Crusade culture, we’d throw this term around pretty casually: “Did you use a KGP?” “Where can I get some more KGPs?” “Are we training others in the KGP?” I’ve gotten so used to this term “KGP” that sadly, I’ve nearly forgotten the essence of its existence.

I was somewhat warned before coming here that in order to do this ministry—leaving my home country and sharing the gospel with others in a different language full time with a team of people who all have different ideas and opinions—requires daily surrender to God and reliance on him to meet our needs. Let me tell you, I haven’t struggled in the slightest with coming to God as quick as I can to beg him for wisdom when there’s a disagreement amongst our team, boldness when I am afraid to initiate spiritual conversations with students, and insight as I’ve been leading our team’s weekly small group and devotional times. But I’ve often felt like an employee coming to God every second asking for him to show me how to do my job better and reminding him that if he doesn’t, we’ll fail!

A few days ago, as I was in the middle of one of my screaming for help sessions with God, I felt him leading me into silence. After an extended period of me saying, “But what about…Are you going to show me…When…This stuff needs to get taken care of today,” He reminded me that His number one concern wasn’t whether or not I have a topic to discuss at small group, or that I know how to guide someone on my team in settling a dispute with another teammate, or that I become some all-star evangelist. His number one desire is to have an intimate, growing, and passionate relationship with me. All else can fail, but at the end of the day, what matters most is Knowing Him Personally, and letting him remind me of who I am: His Beloved, His Daughter, His Delight.

This video excerpt from Francis Chan sums it up nicely:

1 comment:

  1. Juicy,
    You are amazing! I would say that even if you weren't my brown eyed girl. I so needed this reminder and started to get stingy eyes reading what you wrote. Thanks for your faithfulness and obedience and thank you for listening well. You inspire me to be a better person. Muah!


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