Jan 6, 2010

Go on three

A debate that my family still holds almost nightly, but brings us to laughter each time is do you go on three or after three? Think about it. You've been in this situation before. You're playing rock, paper, scissors and as your throwing out scissors, your opponent is still in a fist, apparently following the "rock, paper, scissors, shoot" protocol. Or you're about to sing Happy Birthday "on three" and some people start when you would be saying three while others wait for the second afterwards to begin. It probably doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but in case anyone would like to know, my family did come to a conclusion. If you're saying something outloud, you should wait until after three. If you're doing something, say dueling and need to draw a weapon on three, you go literally on three.
Spent about an hour and a half uploading pictures to snapfish just in time for the 50 prints for 50 cents sale! I'm on a good start to putting my scrapbook together.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! I've never thought about that before. (pondering...)

    I'm so glad you're blogging! I SO miss your sweet face, so I can't wait to check in every once in a while to see how you're doing.



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