Nov 12, 2010

Sharing love for Christ…and chocolate!

I had my second meeting with three wonderful girls from Vida Estudantil. In our time together, we discuss the foundations for our faith in God and the implications of what His son’s sacrifice means for our lives. It is such a joy and privilege to be able to go through this material with them because these students will be serving as the foundation for generations of students to come who will be involved in this ministry. We are praying that God would give them such a confidence in their faith and sound interpretation of concepts including the Holy Spirit, communion with God, and prayer so that they will be able to pass on this wisdom to the many students we are trusting God to bring into relationship with Him through Vida Estudantil in the years to come. So cool!

It was such a sweet moment sitting under one of the girls’ favorite tree, enjoying the nice November breeze, and laughing about how grateful we are that God thought to create chocolate just for our enjoyment! DSCN4380

1 comment:

  1. Chocolate!! Now why didn't I think of that for my group of dudes...


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