Aug 23, 2011

Mighty Creator

Something I’ve been really excited to do this year with my team is a study on the different characteristics of God. We’ll be using Ann Spangler’s book The Names of God as our daily devotional to help us learn and meditate on what it means to recognize God for the various identities that He has.

Today, our team learned that God is Elohim, our Mighty Creator. This is the first name used for God in the Bible during the description of how the universe was created. The coolest part of our conversation was when we shared how we experience and benefit from His creation in our daily lives. Here’s a few of the daily gifts that we receive through His works:

The majestic display of lightening from behind dark hurricane clouds

The vast variety of living things, even just on the street that we live on. We take joy in seeing the mango trees, palms, and orchids that brighten up our urban apartment neighborhood.

The power of the ocean as the waves crash against the cliffs.

His overwhelming presence in silence.

It was so refreshing to talk about the ways that God’s creation have refreshed our souls. I’m looking forward to learning more about His character together this year and falling more in love with who He is.


And I just have to put this shout out in here:

Today is my teammate, Katie’s birthday! She rocked it practicing her Spanish on campus today and gave our team a great reason to come together and celebrate.


Katie meeting students for the first time at UASD

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