May 16, 2011

Evidence of God at Work

I’ll be honest. There are some days when I’ve reflected on my work here and feel like I haven’t accomplished much. Then there are others when I experience moments—like today—that remind me that God is allowing me to bear fruit in my time spent with students at UASD.

A few posts ago, I wrote about a girl named Rosi who was brought to us after the Spring Breakers met her during an outreach. She was looking for someone to help her grow in her faith. You never know if someone is just saying that at the time or really means it. Unfortunately, there are many times when we meet a student and it seems like they might be a great person to invest your life in, but they never answer your calls. However, Rosi was one of the few that truly meant what she said and for the last two months, I have been meeting with her to discuss some of her questions for God and what it means to be his student (disciple).

Today, we talked about developing our relationship through prayer, studying the Bible, and obedience. We do this using little booklets that are a guide with passages to read from the Bible and questions for thought, which can sound a bit dry, but it’s awesome how it just spurs on further conversation. For example, one of the questions asked “What does God promise that we will experience if we pray in what ever situation?” (based on Philippians 4:6-7). We both shared times when we received this peace through prayer.

Perhaps the coolest part of our meeting today was at the end when we talked about what God is asking us to do through the areas of prayer, Bible study, and obedience. We both spent some time writing down some goals in each area and later shared them with each other. I absolutely cherish this kind of thing, because it not only helps me get to know her better, but gives us both some accountability to what we are seeking to do. It serves as a mile marker to which we can look back on in a year and say, “Remember when we committed to ___? God has been faithful!”

Another evidence of God at work through my meetings with Rosi is his gifting us with the ability to understand each other amidst a language barrier. My Spanish has improved tremendously the nine months I have been here, but she is one of the people I have difficulty understanding. Whenever we meet, I rely on her ability to correct me or her patience as I ask her to clarify what she just said. It also brings us a lot of laughter :)

Keep praying for our relationship and that God would continue to be doing a good work in her life as in the lives of all the students who are growing through discipleship right now.DSCN5802

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