Feb 2, 2011

First week back-Amazing!

What a great start to a new semester. We we reunited with our dear friends from Vida Estudiantil and planned an outreach to gather even more students to participate in our meetings. It’s really important for us to continue seeking new students for a couple different reasons. The first is that with UASD being so large (over 150,000 students on our campus), there are many students who haven’t been reached with the message of the Gospel. Also, as we’ve observed over the last few months, students who were strong leaders within Vida Estudiantil can come and go as they graduate or start working (we always accept their request to pray that they get jobs, but it’s bittersweet—and our loss—when they find one!)

The purpose of our outreach today was to meet and inform 300 students about Vida Estudiantil through giving away Survival Kits (Fundas Salvavidas). Our friend and long time member of Vida Estudiantil, Alvaro, gives us an expert explanation of what we did today (Might I say, his English is excellent! The subtitles are only there because there was a lot of background noise):

A student does a great job explaining our outreach today

Four students from Vida helped us accomplish our goal, and to our surprise and delight, three others that we just met today played a significant role in bringing their friends over to us. We met so many people today, my throat was sore! I never know what God’s complete plans are when we do these outreaches, but I’m praying that someone we met today will know Christ deeper as a result of their participation in Vida Estudiantil this semester. Can I dream a little more? That one of them is a future leader of the ministry, bringing even more into communion with God. Thanks for joining me in prayer since we’ve been here. Continue to pray that more people know Christ and that UASD is filled with true followers of Him!

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