Dec 30, 2010


Jesus knows when I need a reminder of how cool He is and how much He loves me. Today I watched this message called Indescribable by Louie Giglio, where through looking at the awe-inspiring existence of our universe, we grasp how amazing it is to be called the children of its creator.

You can watch the series of clips on YouTube (5 parts of about 9 minutes each) here. I highly recommend it when you have the time!

Dec 15, 2010

Watch This!

This is a four minute video made by a videographer from Campus Crusade who spent the week with us here in Santo Domingo investigating exactly what our Stint team is here to accomplish and how we’re doing in light of that. Even if you read my prayer letters and know what’s been going on, watch it so you’ll have a better idea of our mission here.

Stint in the Dominican Republic

How we’re preparing for Christmas

Most final exams are now over at UASD and many students have gone back to their hometowns for the holidays. In the meantime, we are hanging out with those that are still around (we’ll even get to visit some of their families!), preparing for next semester, but most importantly, enjoying a brief period of rest and festivities.

This will be the first time each of us have been away from our families for Christmas. We’ve had to think outside the box for ways to make it special. Who says we can’t have a Christmas tree and fireplace?xmas2

And of course we put up lights for the atmosphere:Alxmas1

Although by daylight, you can’t really tell it’s December here:DSCN4496

Dec 13, 2010

Day with the Lord

Once a month, our team takes a day to reflect on what God’s been doing in our lives. This month, we decided that there’s no better place to experience God’s glory than at a DSCN4514Caribbean beach! We went to Playa Caribe, located just about and hour and a half outside of Santo Domingo. This was my first time outside the city unescorted by locals, so it was an adventure too.


My favorite thing about this beach are the waves. I had a blast riding them on boogie boards we could rent. Thank God I didn’t get stung by anything this time!


Something God reminded me of during my time with Him (which was awesome as I got to watch the waves and the horizon and crystal blue water that He created!) that He loves me with unfailing love. What a cool picture it was to meditate on this verse while sinking my feet into the sand:

How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
     They cannot be numbered!
     I can’t even count them;
     they outnumber the grains of sand!

     Psalm 139:17-18

That there is nothing I can do for Him that will make Him love me more, not is there anything I can do that will separate me from His love. Having felt inadequate and discouraged at times, holding myself to my own standards of success, this was so relieving to hear. It’s been so tempting to entertain thoughts of who I wish I was like, who could handle this job more gracefully than I could, what I should be like. In His goodness, God gave me this reminder as if to say, “You are everything I could want in a daughter. Why are your thoughts so harsh towards yourself? I chose you because it brings me joy and glory to see you, specifically, carry the message of my Son to this place. Even if you stumble, I will lift you back up. There is nothing you lack that I can’t provide.” He is so good!

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